Удалось таки досмотреть первый сезон "Волшебников". И заняло это у нас... почти три месяца, мда. А всего сезонов пять. И я склоняюсь пока сделать паузу в пользу сериала по "Королю и Шуту" и сопуствующих материалов. Один сезон, восемь серий, реальная история, происходившая в одном со мной культурном контексте - наверно в плане познания мира вокруг это сможет дать мне больше.
Опять же фандом живой, и если всё-таки выделять время на фикрайтерство в надежде, что моё восприятие, воображение и трактовки реальных и вымышленных событий могут нести ценность для кого-то ещё, то русскоязычный фандом "Короля и Шута" более подходящее для меня место, чем русскоязычный фандом "Волшебников". По "Волшебникам" я, на самом деле, начала даже что-то писать, и даже завела профиль на ao3 с "Language=Русский" фичочками, но в Hits, Kudos и Comments там пока всё грустно - и явно не только у меня. С англоязычным фандомом, вероятно, дела обстоят получше, но писать на английском и читать много фикшена на нём я пока не созрела.
Приводить ссылку на свой профиль здесь тоже не буду, чтобы ничего тут не пропагандировать.Тем не менее, одну из вещей, которые меня зацепили в "Волшебниках" хочется всё-таки прикопать и сохранить: цитаты на английском. Причём вся их красота мне видится именно на английском: те фрагменты, в которые я влюбилась по иностранным фан-фидео, в русскоязычном дубляже сериала звучат совсем не так.
Препод английского, с которым я занималась прошлой осенью, мне как-то рассказал про полезное упражнение: обращать внимание на фразы в живой речи носителей и повторять их за ними. Так что сохранить запомнившиеся моменты - это может быть полезно и с точки зрения моего изучения английского.
Собственно, цитаты. Некоторые юморные, некоторые с претензией на глубокомысленность, некоторые просто нравится, как звучат. По большей части из 1-го сезона, но в конце не только по нему.
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James: Oh, my God. My girl. My friend. Have you no decency?
Quentin Coldwater: Not even a little.
James: Excellent. Three-way!
[Screams leaping on the bed between Quentin and Julia]
Quentin Coldwater: Am I hallucinating?
Eliot Waugh: If you were, how would asking me help?
Dean Fogg: You want to go back to Columbia? That pointless, miasmic march to death you call life? Family that never calls and friends that don't really get you and feeling alone and wrong until it crushes you?
Quentin Coldwater: No.
Dean Fogg: Then quit dicking around!
Quentin Coldwater: Stop it.
Quentin Coldwater: I SAID STOP IT!
[Does some goddamn magic with cards and faints]
Quentin Coldwater: Was he murdered?
Dean Fogg: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin Coldwater: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean Fogg: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.
William 'Penny' Adiyodi [Reading Quentin's mind]: Yes, I can. Yes, I have. Yes, everything you think is so boring, I replace it with dubstep.
Quentin Coldwater: What's dubstep?
Quentin Coldwater: If you're trying to tell me that it gets better...
Eliot Waugh: Oh, God, no. No, it doesn't. I'm trying to tell you, you are not alone here. Funny little irony they don't tell you, magic doesn't come from talent. It comes from pain.
Eliot Waugh: How about I find you, and I don't say magic is real, but I do seduce you, and so lift your spirits that life retains its sparkle for decades?
Quentin Coldwater: Yeah. That sounds nice. Thank you.
[Looks aside with strange gaze]
Kady Orloff-Diaz: Look, I did the spell too, Penny. If you're guilty, I'm guilty.
William 'Penny' Adiyodi: You're guilty.
Kady Orloff-Diaz: Okay, great, let's jump off a bridge.
Marina: Years reading Internet crap and accidentally poisoning myself twice, and now I'm stuck in a freezer with some bitch.
[Julia gives her a look]
Marina: Well, you are.
Dean Fogg: Being a magician has always been, in part, about accruing power. Power over yourself, the elements. Power over the future, the very world that exists around you. But power, as you all know, does not come cheaply.
Julia Wicker: Do you love magic? Is it in your soul? Is it like the secret heart of what you always were?
Pete [to Julia]: [...] You have magic. They don't. Better than money. Better than sex. Well, I guess that one depends.
[In a deleted scene]
Eliot Waugh: If not by charm, by threat of violence...
[In Quentin's hallucination]
Imaginary William 'Penny' Adiyodi [with a terrible Indian accent]: Please be knowing that dinner will be served in five minutes, and today, we are to be serving chicken curry, which is, of course, my favorite!
Real William 'Penny' Adiyodi [to Quentin]: You. Racist. Mother. FUCKER!
[In Quentin's hallucination]
Alice Quinn [to Quentin]: It's okay. I'll still mate with you!
Medical Orderly: All right, that's enough.
Eliot Waugh: Me three!!!
Eliot Waugh: Look, it was a party. He's probably sleeping it off under something or someone or someone's thing...
Quentin Coldwater [Reading pages from Jane Chatwin]: "The Madness Maker didn't play for the joy of winning, just the fear of losing. The real curse was, he only played when he could win, which cut him off from the surprise, horror, sadness, and wonder of life. Jane saw only one way out for him: stop playing. Start living."
Margo Hanson: [...] Please tell me someone has pointed out to you that magic doesn't come from sunshine and ice cream, for any of us. What you're born with, what gets slammed on you as a kid, what happens now, like your dad... A great way to get what you want is to be so miserable that you don't want it anymore.
Quentin Coldwater: What kind of system is that? Why can't it run on love, or... cocaine?
Quentin Coldwater: You know the worst part of getting exactly what you want? When it’s not good enough. Then what do you do? If this can’t make me happy, then what would?
Quentin Coldwater: You ever want something so badly and then realize that it's nothing like what you thought? And maybe that you are stupid for ever actually even wanting it.
Margo Hanson: Every guy I've ever slept with.
Quentin Coldwater: How could you know about all this and become a podiatrist?
Eliot Waugh: This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.
Quentin Coldwater: What is the point of magic if we can't fix real problems?
Dean Fogg: We can fix some things. So we fix what we can.
Margo Hanson [Wearing robe and mask]: Oh, Manon! We offer up this virgin. Flesh and blood.
Quentin Coldwater: Jesus, I'm not a virgin.
Margo Hanson [Takes mask off]: Huh. Life is full of surprises.
Margo Hanson [about a wild horse]: Bring him to me.
William 'Penny' Adiyodi: Why?
Margo Hanson: I want to get my Catherine the Great on.
[Penny stares blankly]
Margo Hanson: Google it. Totally hilarious.
Quentin Coldwater [to Alice]: [...] You're the best.
Alice Quinn: You know what? I try so hard not to be.
Quentin Coldwater: Why?
Alice Quinn: I'm already pretty damn unpopular. Can you imagine what they would think if they knew how good I really am? "Spinster magician dies alone, eaten by cats".
Prof. Mayakovsky [to Quentin and Alice]: Why don’t you two… just fuck?
Alice Quinn: Can we just talk about this seriously for a second? What we did was stress and circumstances, and pheromones.
Quentin Coldwater: The first time, but not the next four.
Alice Quinn: You were counting?
Eliot Waugh: Why is your face making that face?
Eliot Waugh [to Alice]: Let me guess. You got drunk on Mayakovsky's lichen vodka and you seduced him.
Quentin Coldwater: Maybe I seduced her?
Eliot Waugh: Please...
William 'Penny' Adiyodi: I need to punch you in the throat if you tell me what I need to do.
Quentin Coldwater: [...] I don't understand why we can't just be basic allies. You can't possibly want to be a dick more than you want to live!
Eliot Waugh: Life ain't fair. Why in the holy fuck should death be any different?
Eliot Waugh: I'm in too. I heard the word «illegal».
Margo Hanson: Eliot. Honey, what are you on?
Eliot Waugh: Some pinks, a green, and a tab of something called "chocolate sunshine". I really like the name. Do you like the name?
[Glass shatters]
Eliot Waugh: Uh. Maybe I shouldn't have had that green.
Eliot Waugh: Wait, wait, wait. Are my eyes open or closed right now? And now?
Eliot Waugh: A golem of Margo. A Margolem!
William 'Penny' Adiyodi: What the fuck did I just walk into?
Eliot Waugh: My life. Welcome.
Margo Hanson: So this is a little hitch in our adventure. Are we just gonna act like children now?
Eliot Waugh: Now, now, Bambi. He's got a right to be mad.
Margo Hanson: No, he doesn't. People don't get to be mad at me because I had sex with them. You're welcome, both of you.
Quentin Coldwater: Standing in Fillory was the greatest moment of my life, and not just because, as I later found out, the air is .02% opium, which is a pretty unfair trick to get you to love a place.
Julia Wicker: I'm here. You don't have to like me.
Margo Hanson: Oh, don't you worry. We don't.
Quentin Coldwater: Fillory was supposed to mean something. I was supposed to mean something here. But it’s random, it’s so random that the only way to save my friends is to yell at a fucking plant. Honestly, fuck Fillory for being so disappointing. You know maybe I was better off believing that it was fiction. The idea of Fillory is what saved my life. This promise that people like me, people like me can somehow find an escape. There has got to be some power in that. Shouldn’t loving the idea of Fillory be enough?
Dean Fogg: I'm not sure if that is the best way to happiness.
Alice Quinn: What if there is no best path?
[Margo hallucinates in the desert and sings "Here I Go Again" with her imaginary fellows]
Margo Hanson [to imaginary Dean Fogg]: Okay, this is too much.
Imaginary Dean Fogg: Your subconscious thought you need some wisdom.
Margo Hanson: You do whiskey, not wisdom!
Young Quentin Coldwater's golem: Endings are the worst part. The characters grow up and move on with their lives. And some even die. It's like...
Julia Wicker: ...Your best friend in the whole world has abandoned you. I’ve had this conversation before.
Julia Wicker: Well, your real friends won’t abandon you. That will never change.
Quentin Coldwater: You know I've never really seen you care about something.
Eliot Waugh: Things aren't usually worth caring about.
Quentin Coldwater: With some limited, but very important exceptions.
Eliot Waugh: Very limited.
[Talking about 50 years spent together in alternate timeline]
Eliot Waugh: Did it happen?
Quentin Coldwater: Fifty years.
Eliot Waugh: It happened.
Quentin Coldwater: It was sort of beautiful.
Eliot Waugh: It really was.
Quentin Coldwater: I know this sounds dumb but us. We... You know, think about it. Like, we... we work. And we know it 'cause we've lived it. Who gets that kind of proof of concept?
Eliot Waugh: Q, I'm sorry. I was afraid. And when I'm afraid, I run away.
Eliot Waugh: If I ever get out of here, Q, know that when I'm braver, it's 'cause I learned it from you.
Quentin Coldwater: Life is unfair. But I'm good with it occasionally working out for people that I actually love.