

Those wings... I want them too.

@темы: english writing skills, Жизненное, Книги

18.12.2017 в 21:49

Тварь дражайшая // kozenasty
It's very interesting to read about your way through psycological books and other readings! It,s great that you can read them without translation. For me it's still a hard quest))
18.12.2017 в 21:58

Those wings... I want them too.
Iris Lloyd Troy, Hmmm, actually I've read all listed book on Russian (but I read technical literature on English!!!), I just can't insert Russian titles into the English post, it would be stupid.
Do you have any thematic literature to recommend? On both languages.
18.12.2017 в 22:31

Тварь дражайшая // kozenasty
Now I'm more into blogs etc, books seems toounflexible. Here irislloydtroy.diary.ru/?tag=3651 i write about blogs and other materials on psycology.
And one of bloggers, Transerfer (she really has nothing in common with transerfing) , recommends good books, sometimes in English.
Here are some books recommended by her and her followers:

Брэнди Энглер "Мужчины на моей кушетке".

О'Коннор "Депрессия отменяется".

книгу Роберта Антона Уилсона "Прометей восставший. Психология эволюции

Книга Восхождение по спирали (о депрессии)

Джедайские техники

But i did not read them yet.
19.12.2017 в 11:32

Those wings... I want them too.
Iris Lloyd Troy, Oh, great. I didn't noticed that you are so interested in psychology earlier. Thanks for so many sources :) More sources - more opportunities to find something suitable exactly for you :)
I like books because they offer system approaches, just the knowledge how does this world function in general. For me it is easier to use that general knowledge to solve your specific problem, rather than search someone with similar case and just "copy&paste". Although... I use both methods when programming, to be honest :)
19.12.2017 в 20:32

Тварь дражайшая // kozenasty
https, yes, books are also good and of great value. Maybe i have just read too many books at past years, and now i want more vivid material. But blogs, that i read, are unique and profound, they are not just compilation of popular texts)) of course there are answers to letters, but now i can sort them really quick and do not read all of them. I also thought, that you might like books about physiology of brain - i've read some, but they were more about specific occasions, and for you i would like to recommend something more common, more of popular science.
And i remembered one of useful books - useful in communications. М.Литвак, "Психологическое айкидо")))
19.12.2017 в 21:38

Those wings... I want them too.
Iris Lloyd Troy, Suddenly I thought that may be I'm just not so interested in psychology to make efforts for staying in its vivid context, that's why I' prefer reading books from time to time rather than trace new publications constantly. That's cool when there is somebody who is retelling news and impressions in short form :)
I've read "Психологическое айкидо", it is short. The main idea that enriched my knowledge was that a humor is a great weapon. Others his thoughts... I don't know... For me his adoptation of Berne's transactional analysis is full of errors. And I dislike Литвак in general, as I see his point of view being male-centric, often ignoring women interests and even teaching how manipulate them.
20.12.2017 в 09:59

Тварь дражайшая // kozenasty
I agree with you about Litvak, i dont like him too. But this book has something useful))
And i remembered good book about dependendence and love - Джеймс Холлис, ,,В поисках Эдема,,.
20.12.2017 в 10:22

Those wings... I want them too.
Iris Lloyd Troy, Great, thank you :)

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