АнглийскийAs asocial thoughts about society around me made me turn to the asocial network, there is no surprise that I've finally decided to write them down.
The 18th of March is coming closer, and it's the second time when my door bell rings and an older woman asks if i will go to the elections ))) Fortunately, she leaves just after the answer «Yes, I will, but not in this district».
The situation with upcoming elections is disappointing me much. Not because the result is absolutely predictable or because someone was illegally banned, but because the objective reality is that the only choice the voters have is indeed the only good choice. There is no political force here that is responsible, mature and strong enough to rule this country even at the same (not so hight) level. In my opinion it is not the result of the pressure on the opposition, but rather evidence of irresponsibility, immaturity and weakness of the society in general. I've mentioned a book of Jose Stevens earlier, «Transforming Your Dragons...» and the concept of seven stages of human maturity. He supposed that the most of the population of Europe and Wester world can be attributed to "adult" stage. And it seems to me that it can be the reason for the hight level of development of those countries. But I've heard that our society can be described as «paternalistic» and «patriarchal», that mean that the public expects the existence of some, possibly figurative, «fathers» who care about the rest of the nation. And what "age" the rest of the nation should have in this case? However, even people in government do not look like mature and adult enough to be a national «fathers», and even potential presidents do not look so.
What can be said when pre-election debates on TV have form of reality show, can easily be called tomfoolery and are skipped by the main candidate? Is that about decisions that can affect lives of hundred million people? That's funny when politicians have not notion about politeness, and diplomats have not notion about diplomacy. I sometimes catch myself on the thought that our international figures' behavior looks at times like children's or even monkey's when compared to foreign representatives. No respect, no listening, no understanding, no consideration, no analysis, no concessions, no compromises. And a lack of mental efforts And after that they got deeply insulted by phrases like: «You are from Russia. This says it all».
The problem, in my opinion, is not that unworthy people came to power, but because there are no other people around. Someone can be irritated that ruling party uses the administrative resources to gain voices, but then he sends message to all his friends: «My daughter participates in a creative competition! Please vote! It isn't even necessary to watch, just vote!». Someone can complain that officials steal state money, but later tells a rhyme «Тащи с завода каждый гвоздь, ты здесь хозяин, а не гость!». Someone can be very envious that the deputies are unfairly overpaid, but will never question, does his work cost the money he gets. A lot of people complain about the life they live, but most of them are not ready to sacrifice something, to risk with something or even to put extra efforts to bring a positive change. No, I do not mean gatherings under emotional slogans and claiming to give them a good life. I guess that results of the elections can be largely explained with unreadiness of many people for any alteration. You have to adapt to the alteration after all, and, yes, can loose something.
That's bad in my opinion, because though no parties are good at this moment, the rivalry could compel them to become better. The longer a single force stays at the ruling position, the more possibilities for misuse it has, and less motivation to work properly is left. More and more unfair people can stick there and stabilize their position. I guess, that this is the reason why several consecutive terms are illegal in other democratic countries. And the question is not in the only one person, but about those who ensconced under him, and those who ensconced under them and so on. Again, the power's changeability is a mechanism that allows to balance different interests, and views and needs; but it works only then everyone understands that it cannot function without their own readiness to sacrifice their ambitions for the whole society well-being. And as I see, people in this country are not ready for this, in general. There is a famous quote from John Kennedy's inaugural speech: «And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.» Is similar governor's speech possible here, in Russia? There would be an hysteric after that, I guess.
Thus, those who were lucky to climb to the top here, care mainly for their own position and interests, and do not put efforts to create a fair and effective system, where only those who bring more to the society are moving up (the «meritocracy»). And without such system the path up is open mostly to those who cares about their own interests and able to abuse others, and will not build a fair and effective system... And so on, in a closed circle. Or, maybe even on a downward spiral. And my pessimistic point of view offers no possible solution.
As for me, the reasons for such lamentable situation lay in the local culture and in the human mindset, and I have arguments and reasoning why them led to this point. But this post turned out to be gloomy and unpleasant even without them, so I prefer to put here a dot (or three). If I find such reflections being not repulsive when re-read in the future, I'll continue. But for now it's enough...